Beyond the Paycheck: Benefits Nannies Can Request

Beyond the paycheck

You can ask your employer for more than a pay raise.

you can look for from a prospective family – or ask your current family to offer:

QSEHRA Pre-Tax Insurance Plan

A Qualified Small Employer’s Health Reimbursement Agreement (QSEHRA) allows nannies to be reimbursed for health insurance coverage purchased on the individual market or through the health care exchange, in addition to qualified out-of-pocket medical, dental, and vision expenses. QSEHRAs are funded by the family up to $5,450 for a nanny who is single, and $11,050 per nanny with a family (2022 rates) and can be paired with a spouse’s plan.

Virtual Medicine

A virtual medicine program provides nannies 24/7 access to a physician by phone, secure messaging, or video – even if you don’t have health insurance. You can get answers to medical questions, schedule a consult, and share pictures or videos with a doctor. It’s perfect for diagnosing and treating everyday ailments so you don’t miss work going to the doctor or calling in sick.

Retirement Plans 

Another benefit you could ask for is retirement savings contributions. By offering you a 401(k) or IRA, your family will help you build an excellent source of retirement income and experience the benefits of tax-deferred growth.

Transit and Parking FSA

For nannies who need assistance paying for transit and parking, families and nannies can set aside up to $560 (2022) a month in a tax-free Transit and Parking FSA account. Covered expenses include parking fees and costs of passes, tokens, fare cards, vouchers, or other items that allow nannies to use public or private mass transit for purpose of business commuting.

Education Assistance

If you’re a nanny that is also in school, a very helpful benefit your family might consider offering is educational assistance. Families can claim up to $5,250 tax-free for employer-provided educational assistance, including graduate-level course work. This benefit helps promote professional growth and elevates your performance—making it a win-win proposition for both you and your family.

Learn more about the benefits families can offer nannies.

Since 1991, GTM Payroll Services has been working with nanny agencies and their families to give them the best value when it comes to payroll and taxes. Our process improvements and efficiencies have kept costs down, and we’re committed to keeping our clients ecstatic. In addition, GTM is the only household payroll provider that offers in-house workers’ compensation. This saves families time and effort in securing coverage and handling audits and claims.

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